A Cry For Mercy


A Cry For Mercy By Babatunde Emmanuel Falayi



Ignorance is the best weapon employed by the enemy to keep the children of God in continuous bondage. Ignorance kills! Only the right kind of prayer; A Cry For Mercy attracts God’s attention. When a man receives mercy, heaven immediately works in his favour. Mercy does not judge one for the wrongs done, rather it sets one free from every accusations. Mercy terminates judgement.

A CRY FOR MERCY is the only cry that moves God. David understood this truth and utilized it all his life. Little wonder God always worked in his favor. The Cry For Mercy caught the attention of Jesus when blind Bartimaeus cried out to him saying, “thou son of David have mercy on me,” in Mark 10:48. Jesus had to attend to his matter because He is MERCY PERSONIFIED. That same moment he that was blind received his sight because of mercy. Mercy is the backdoor to God’s treasure house. When God decides to show you mercy, He blesses you while judging your enemies.

This book is a prayer manual inspired by God. Its objective is to expose the wickedness of Satan. It reveals his inordinate ambition to enslave God’s children and either prevent them entirely or delay them from reaching destiny. The book shows how to facilitate your receiving from heaven through mercy. The prayer points will enable you live a life of supernatural victory. It provokes constant judgment over your stubborn enemies and pursuers. As you use this manual and cry unto the Lord, may He attend speedily to all your matters by mercy. May He grant you outstanding and unimaginable miracles. God bless you richly!


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